Pigg-o-Stat: What to know about baby xrays (2025)

It's normal to be worried if your baby needs an x-ray. But a baby x-ray is a quick and painless way to obtain important imaging of your infant's body. While radiation exposure is a part of x-ray technology, an occasional x-ray is deemed safe for babies. This helpful tool can quickly determine the cause of sickness, injury or pain, which can outweigh any risks related to the procedure.

A baby x-ray may seem alarming, but certain health concerns require this detailed imaging test in order to find out what's going on with your child. Keep in mind that your infant will be in good hands should they end up needing this particular test. To help ease your mind, here's why your baby might need an x-ray, how to prepare for it and what to expect when it happens.

What is an x-ray?

An x-ray is a century-old medical technique that allows for an interior image of the body to be made using small amounts of radiation. An x-ray machine emits radiation that passes through the body to produce a black and white picture of a person's bones and organs. Once the images have been taken, they'll appear on a monitor's screen or on film for the radiologist to examine, and later discuss with you.

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Why might my baby need an x-ray?

Quick and pain-free, a baby x-ray might be recommended if your healthcare provider needs to check or confirm a certain diagnosis. Thanks to this technology, x-rays can show if your baby has broken bones, a potential tooth or jaw issue, an illness such as pneumonia, or a heart condition. If your baby is having trouble breathing, chest pain or has swallowed an object, such as a Lego or pen cap, an x-ray can also help your provider see what's going on.

What types of x-rays can babies have?

Your baby could have a dental x-ray or a chest x-ray, depending on their symptoms, or they may need an x-ray during a particular procedure, like getting an internal tube placed or during an operation. But no matter the reason, know that healthcare providerswho recommend baby x-rays follow strict guidelines outlined by the Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging.

What does this mean? For starters, this group recommends that x-rays be given solely as a medical necessity and only with the lowest level of radiation appropriate for your baby's age and weight. The provider shouldalsodirect the x-ray only to the area that needs a closer look and, when possible, imaging without radiation, like an ultrasound or MRI, should be used instead.

What are the risks of a baby x-ray?

The prospect of any radiation entering your baby's body may seem scary at first, but know that imaging centers and hospitals are committed to using x-ray equipment that delivers low levels of radiation to the smallest of babies. Bear in mind that simply existing in the world involves some radiation risk, whether from the soil, water, the sun, certain foods or taking a trip in an airplane.

In fact, radiation from medical testing adds up to just 15 percent of all the annual exposure in this country. And because babies are so small, x-ray machines are set at very low settings to reduce radiation exposure – and no radiation ends up in your infant's body after the picture is taken.

Of course, kids who had many x-rays do have a higher risk of health problems than those who had just a few. But one study from the journal Circulation found that when some of the sickest children with heart disease were given multiple low-level x-rays, they didn't develop an increased risk of cancer in their lifetimes. So, if your provider wants to perform a single chest x-ray, you can rest assured that the risk isn't great at all, even to the tiniest of tots.

What is the Pigg-o-Stat?

Alas, wiggly babies and x-rays don't mix well, but for the technician to successfully check for pneumonia in your infant's lungs, remaining still during the procedure is critical. Enter the Pigg-o-stat, a funny-looking plastic cylinder with an even goofier name that's actually a genius solution for helping to keep your small baby still during a chest x-ray.

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Using a Pigg-o-stat isn't painful, but it may cause your little one to wail as they sit on a tiny seat with their arms raised overhead inside the clear column (actually, this big fuss helps the technician because the crying means they're taking deep breaths and a better image may be the result).

What can I expect during a baby x-ray?

If your baby is placed in a Pigg-o-stat for an x-ray, they'll remove theirclothing first to expose the area and then the procedure will take about 5 or 10 minutes. If this device isn't used and your baby is having a normal x-ray, they may stand, sit or lie down for theirx-ray, depending on their age. The technician will typically shoot an image from the front and may also add another from a side angle.

You'll be in the room with your child for the procedure so you can help them stay relaxed. You'll also be given a lead apron to cover yourself during the x-ray to reduce your own radiation exposure. And your baby might wear an apron to protect those body parts that don't need x-raying.

How can I prepare if my baby is getting an x-ray?

Remaining calm and composed is the best way to prepare for a baby x-ray. The reason? Babies can actually sense their parents' stress levels and react to them physically, according to a study in Psychological Science. To help create a peaceful vibe, hold your infant closely and sing to them, if they like that, and you can also offer them their pacifier and favorite lovey to hold before the x-ray begins.

In some cases, your baby may need to swallow a certain substance known as a contrast agent which is a safe flavored dye that helps to color their insides. If this is the case, you'll be told to refrain from feeding them for a few hours prior to the x-ray. With this fluid inside them, the images that result from the x-ray are easier to read since certain areas are darker than others.

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What can I expect after an x-ray?

Once the x-ray is completed, your sweetie will be removed from the Pigg-o-stat (or unstrapped from the table or other device used for the imaging) and you can give them a big hug. The technician will send the pictures to the radiologist who will read them to determine the diagnosis and then share the results with you.

Oral contrast can occasionally lead to vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, or stomach upset. Drinking plenty of liquids may help to flush the contrast out of their gut faster, so make sure your baby stays hydrated. The color of your baby's stool can also change to a light, almost white color for a few days. These side effects are all temporary, but feel free to call your baby's provider if you have concerns.

Pigg-o-Stat: What to know about baby xrays (2025)
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