Barrel Racing: All You Need To Know About This Intense Sport | Insider Horse (2024)

Barrel racing is a fast, intense, and dangerous sport that is seen mainly in rodeos and other western riding competitions. Believe it or not, mostly women and girls compete in barrel racing and usually men and boys will compete only at the youth and smaller rodeo competitions.

What Is Barrel Racing?

Barrel Racing is a timed event where horse and rider must run around three barrels as fast as possible. The barrels are arranged in a triangular shape and the horse and rider must run around them in a clover-leaf formation without knocking over any of the barrels. The fastest team with the best score wins.

Where Did Barrel Racing Originate?

The first barrel racing competition was intended for women only and was actually the first equine sport women could compete in. The first official barrel racing began in 1928 in Stamford, Texas, and only consisted of two barrels. Horse and rider would run for the barrels, go right around the first, then left around another, and race back as fast as possible.

The barrel racing we know today, consisting of three barrels, didn’t start until 1935. It was in this year that a third barrel was added. Though this was the year that modern barrel racing began, it wasn’t really judged professionally until 1949.

It is thought that barrel racing became an official sport in 1948. It was first recognized as a sport in that year by the WPRA (Women’s Professional Rodeo Association) and true timed and judged barrel racing competitions began the following year (1949).

What Is Expected Of The Horse?

Barrel Racing: All You Need To Know About This Intense Sport | Insider Horse (1)

In barrel racing, the horse is expected to gallop to the barrels and run around the first barrel and turn as fast as possible without knocking it over. The horse would then gallop to the second. When turning around the second barrel, the same is expected as when turning around the first. A horse should turn as tightly as possible around the barrel without knocking it over. After rounding the second barrel, the horse will then gallop to the third barrel, turn it without knocking it, and gallop as fast as possible out of the barrel pattern and back through the gate.

The clover-leaf pattern should be completed in the shortest time possible without knocking any barrels over. Horses and riders are allowed to touch the barrels, but not tip them over or bump into them.

Do Barrel Horses Like Their Job?

I have friends who run barrels with their horses and from what I’ve heard, their horses absolutely love running the pattern. Some horses can’t hardly even be held back from running the pattern as fast as they can at just the sight of barrels. Horses like to please their owners, riders, and handlers so if the horse is trained to run this specific pattern they feel it is their duty to do it the best and fastest they possibly can.

I think that this sport is something that some horses love to do.

Is Barrel Racing Dangerous?

Barrel Racing: All You Need To Know About This Intense Sport | Insider Horse (2)

Barrel racing is one of the more dangerous sports in the equine world. Part of this is because the riders aren’t required to wear helmets. Another reason that barrel racing is considered dangerous is because the horses are running and turning so fast that there is a chance the horse or rider may fall. This is not a rare occurrence and serious injuries caused by falls are seen frequently in this sport.

Barrel Racing Patterns

Barrel racing is run in a pattern that is shaped like a clover-leaf. Horses can start the pattern by running for the right barrel first but must end on the furthest barrel. The horse will do a figure eight around the first two barrels then loop around the last before running back toward the gate.

Barrel Racing Penalties

Barrel Racing: All You Need To Know About This Intense Sport | Insider Horse (3)

The main penalty given to a horse running the barrel pattern is given when a horse knocks over a barrel. The consequence for knocking the barrel is an additional 5 seconds is added to the horse and rider’s time. Sometimes, knocking a barrel makes the horse’s time too slow to win the competition.

World Record Barrel Racing Time

The fastest clocked barrel race time was 13.11 seconds. This achievement was won by a rider named Hailey Kinsel who was riding a Palomino horse named DM Sissy Hayday “Sister.” This mare was just 6 years old at the time of her achievement!

How Old Does A Horse Need To Be Before It Starts Running Barrels?

Barrel Racing: All You Need To Know About This Intense Sport | Insider Horse (4)

A horse shouldn’t be too young when starting to run barrels for health risks to a growing horse. The youngest age I would ever consider to be okay is three to four years old.

Horses shouldn’t be started in this sport too young because of how tough this sport is on their bodies, especially their legs. The cartilage needs to have fused in their joints before they should be ridden at all, let alone used to barrel race.

At What Age Should A Horse Stop Running Barrels?

A horse will usually let their rider, owner, or handler know when they are ready to be done. Horses should not be used for this high intensity sport over the age of 20 to 25 depending on the horse’s health. One of my friends used an old gelding named Fireball for competitive barrel racing right up into his mid 20s. Some horses can engage in these activities more often and longer than others.

What Do Barrel Racers Wear?

Barrel Racing: All You Need To Know About This Intense Sport | Insider Horse (5)


Because Barrel racing is a western sport, most barrel racers are seen wearing cowboy hats before, during, and after their runs.


Boots with a good heel are a must when running barrels. The last thing you want to happen is to have your foot stuck in the stirrup, fall, and get dragged through the arena. Wearing a good sturdy pair of western cowboy boots with a heel will keep this from happening.


Not all barrel racers will wear spurs at it depends on the horse. If a horse requires spurs, then spurs will be used when strapped to the rider’s boots. Some horses need the rider to use spurs to drive the horse forward faster, while other horses don;t require the extra encouragement to run.


Any shirt is acceptable to wear when running barrels. T-shirts and button up flannels are the most common shirts to see being worn by a rider in this competition.


Boot cut jeans are a barrel racers best friend when it comes to clothing. Boot cut jeans cover the top part of the rider’s boot and are relatively comfortable to wear.

Barrel Racing Tack

Barrel Racing: All You Need To Know About This Intense Sport | Insider Horse (6)

Barrel Saddle

A barrel saddle is a western saddle that is specifically designed for the barrel racer. A barrel saddle will have a high pommel and high cantle to help keep the rider in the saddle when rounding such tight bends.

Saddle Pads

Sometimes colorful western saddle pads are used in barrel racing to give the horse a more bright colorful appearance. Sometimes, barrel racers will intentionally match their tack with their other riding equipment and tack for the soul purpose of catching the eye of the crodn and put on a show.

Flashy Breast Collar

It is common to see a barrel racer having a flashy breast color. Flashy breast colors can come in nearly any color and can be adorned by tassels or siiver.

Flashy Bridle

Sometimes a barrel racer’s bridle will match their breast color. Other times, it is possible that the bridle might have the same pattern as certain equipment used on the horse such as on the saddle, but more commonly the breast collar. I actually own a matching breast color and bridle that are adorned both with the same silver studs. The two go great together.

Barrel Racing: All You Need To Know About This Intense Sport | Insider Horse (2024)


What do you need to know about barrel racing? ›

Three barrels are placed in a triangular pattern, the rider must ride around each one, and whoever has the lowest time, wins. If a rider knocks down a barrel, a five-second penalty is added to their time. If the rider touches a barrel or if the barrel just tips, but does not fall to the ground—then there is no penalty.

What kind of horse makes the best barrel racer? ›

The Quarter Horse is the preferred breed among many of the top barrel racing riders but it's always good to be open to options. An individual horse's talent and desire to run could create an unexpected surprise from a breed not typically associated with the sport.

Is barrel racing an extreme sport? ›

Barrel Racing is an extreme sport and partnership between a horse and a rider. The rider must have full trust in their horse, just as the horse has full trust in their rider.

What to look for in a horse for barrel racing? ›

Competitive barrel racing is a fast-paced race around three barrels. So finding the best barrel horse means finding one that's fast and quick on its feet. The ultimate goal is speed, but that requires agility – a good barrel horse must have both speed and agility.

Are male or female horses better for barrel racing? ›

What Kind of Horse Is Best for Barrel Racing? Many beginning riders learn how to ride on a well-seasoned lesson horse before buying (or training) their own horse for barrel racing. Barrel horses can be either sex and many breeds, but Quarter Horses and Thoroughbreds are popular for their speed.

Is barrel racing hard on horses? ›

Watching barrel racing horses close up allows you to see the power and raw speed they have and how they subject their bodies to such tight and quick turns. Due to these high-speed movements the discipline experiences high levels of lameness in horses, most commonly resulting in forelimb lameness.

Do barrel racers whip their horses? ›

The cloverleaf barrel race is a popular timed event among American youth riders, who are often encouraged to aggressively use both the whip and leg to increase the velocity of the horse.

What's a good age to start barrel racing? ›

If barrel racing professionally, the horse's age often times is preferred to be younger. Although there are many ways to train, much of the conditioning is high intensity and done on a tight schedule. This tight schedule is to ensure that the horse is able to begin competing by the age of 3 at the latest.

What does a barrel girl do? ›

Barrel racing is a rodeo event in which a horse and rider attempt to run a cloverleaf pattern around preset barrels in the fastest time. In collegiate and professional ranks, it is usually a women's event, though both sexes compete at amateur and youth levels.

What is the best height for a barrel horse? ›

“A winning barrel horse can be anywhere from less than 14 hands to more than 16 hands,” Jane observes.

What are the best bloodlines for barrel racing? ›

Top Barrel Racing Sires of 2022
  • Frenchmans Guy. 1987 palomino (Sun Frost - Frenchmans Lady by Laughing Boy) ...
  • Aint Seen Nothin Yet. 2008 palomino (Frenchmans Guy - Smart N Famous by Dash Ta Fame) ...
  • Tres Seis. 1999 brown (Sixarun - Our Third Delight by Reb's Policy (Tb)) ...
  • A Streak of Fling.

How often should I ride my barrel horse? ›

I advise riding at least five days a week. When I was competing heavily, my horses got out every day. Even if I wasn't up at a rodeo, I still made sure my horses got to move around when I was out on the road. The worst thing you can do is let them sit.

How hard is it to learn barrel racing? ›

Though the professionals make barrel racing look easy, they've put in years and years of practice. They had to learn correct technique as well as follow drills to attain the level of perfection you see in the arena.

What do you need to become a barrel racer? ›

The first step to getting into barrel racing is finding a knowledgeable person to teach you. It's crucial to learn how to ride and develop horsemanship first before you learn to barrel race—your initial instructor doesn't always have to be a barrel racing trainer.

What are some fun facts about barrel racing? ›

Barrel racing originally developed as an event for women. In early barrel racing, the pattern alternated between a figure-eight and a cloverleaf pattern. The figure-eight was eventually dropped in favor of the more difficult cloverleaf. It is believed that competitive barrel racing was first held in Texas.

What are the problems with barrel racing? ›

Sometimes first barrel problems are caused when the horse starts crowding in toward the barrel then going by because he's out of position. Some horses don't rate down enough to turn. Adding speed can be another problem area, especially if a horse gets in the habit of running by.

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